Thursday 26 April 2007


NEW COMPETITION.....cuase I know you love it...and we give the mad prizes.....

Give me ten interesting ways we can slow global warming....Im thinking ways to save electricity...ways to save consumption of could be as simple as giving up smoking WHICH NONE of you sweet ladies need to worry about :)

So go shoot and put them directly on here as comments...heres something to get you inspired....

11. Wear Vintage Clothes
15. Move to a high rise building
16. Pay your bills on time
21. Coze up to your water heater
22. Skip the steak - go vegetarian
26. Plant a bamboo fence
27. Fly by plane in a straight line
29. Don't wear a tie and suit
31. Wear green eye shadow
34. Use a rake instead of a leaf blower
45. When driving, turn right instead of left




WiLd_At _HeArT said...

ok so here's a few ways.....
(1) Put a bleach bottle in your toilet.
(2) Plant a tree.
3) Re-use your plastic sandwich bags
4) Use both sides of paper.
(5) Don't give kids nice packaged computer paper to color on.
(6) If you have a leaky taps, catch the drips.
(7) "Recycle" your clothes.
(8) Open windows instead of using air conditioning
(9) Buy recycled products!
(10) Re use bottle caps

see ya krissie and sorry i didnt put anything on my blog in the hols, i have major probs with my net and its still not fixed lol

emily said...

-only wipe ur bum for number 2
-use recycled water when washing up
-drink recycled washing up water
-hang your washing out on the line, lazy people!!
-dont shower
-do some gardening
-wear second hand clothes or nothing at all
-use both sides of a piece of paper
-dont use public transport walk! no wonder our generation is so fat
-live in the dark eat more carrots they say it makes u see in the dark!
-start a compost!!!

emily said...

hey kris
sorry we didnt come earlier but we had events on did we miss anything good?
i didnt want to miss anything but i thought i would go to my last sports carnival cause i leave school next year so sad :( sniff sniff

emily said...

im WRITTING AGAIN TO UR PAGE but i never seem to get a reply dont u like me or something sniff sniff u made me cry now STOP BEING MEAN!!

BuBbLeS said...

ok lets go

1. plant a tree
2. recycle paper
3. hav shorter showers
4. turn off power at the power point
5. turn lights off that aint being used
6. use solar power
7. walk dont drive
8. use solar power cars
9. dont eat meat become a vegie
10. read a book dont go on the comp

~*hAyLeY*~ said...

hey krissi and all the others
well i think we should go bak to the stonage lol nah i dunno never really though about it...

Jodi+Emily+Hayley=best friends said...

hey kriss that court thing is going to be really fun! i can't wait!

x.X.x 100% princess x.X.x said...

1. recycle water
2. plant trees
3. walk 2 work instead or driving
4. turn light off use candles
5. short showers
6. recycle clothes
7. eat recycle food
8. write on scrap paper
9. re use bags
10. read book instead of computer

thnx... tara. x.x.x

emily said...

SORRY plz forgive me lol
ok well my enthusiasm is nearly run out im so sick of this online fight between anonymous and us at tafe is there anyway way to find out who is writting these...
anyways having fun at tafe always mock court GREAT idea

Jodi+Emily+Hayley=best friends said...

1)walk more and not drive.
2)stop cutting down trees
3)recycle more
4)have only like 2 minutes showers
5)put rubbish in the bin
6)plant lots of trees
7)turn off lights
8)get a compost
9)buy recycled toilet paper
10)wear clothes from vinies

WiLd_At _HeArT said...

Hey Kris, I sorta figured that since you said that if we don't write a comment to you we can't leave so I'll just say a few word's lol.... This online fight... How about it hey lol.... Someone's having a go at me and Emily and its really aggrovating!!!! Anyways about the Mock Court thingy, I wanna be a witness lol, It should be fun!!! Anyways Ill write another comment next week kk!!! Luv ya!!! LATAS!!! Oh and like Emily said is there any way we can find out who 'anonymous' is? Its kind of irritating knowing that there is someone around us that pretends to like us but really doesn't..... See ya lata xxx Bella

elmo girl said...

1plant more tree's
2wash car's on the law,
3use a aircon less
4do clothes awap in stead of throughing away clothes,
5have a quicker shower,
6turn light and ectra of instead of just leaving them on if there not being used,
7use other types of power plants in staid of fosil fule's
8turn things like the tv off at the power point like tv(did u no that the tv when u turn it of2stand by makes up 10% of ur power bill)
9 use more solor power things\
10 dont use things once then through them out , re-use them

hey krissw there are my 10 cya tonya