Friday, 16 March 2007

My Boyfriend doesnt like my Boyfriend !

Heres a letter from Fem 16:
"ok heres the deal.... my friend Gianni wont talk to me now because im going out with Don... i have known Don for like a week and i really like him but Gianni thinks its wrong... he only thinks that because he was about to ask me out the day Don did and he has known me for longer and thinks that it is unfair that Don got to me first and that i said yes.... what should i do wb asap need advice quickly!!!!"

Please remember names and actual events are edited to protect the privacy of contributors and those discussed.

Please send comments to Fem 16 here directly.

Please send any new problems to my email: I will respond personally as well as edit and put on the blogger.

1 comment:

krissieblah said...

Thank you for you letter Fem 16:
well regardless of what you think about Gianni...(that's a seperate issue)...ask yourself why are going out with this newby?...You have only known him for a week you say?? Maybe you could just stick to going on a few dates and not commiting to someone you dont really know....get to know him first....

As for Gianni....well if he really cared for YOU he would care about whats right for YOU...not what HE wants....

This seems to be all about him and how much of a friend really is he to be self centred and just worried about what he wants?....If you are truly happy a real friend would be happy for you...HOWEVER if he doesnt like this new guy for good reason and isnt concerned about what HEs not getting maybe he is a friend...but thats not what Im hearing.... didnt say it....BUT if you've been giving your mate Gianni some idea that one day you two would be an item then it is rude to sidleine him at your whim and maybe youre not much of a friend youself (?) Im just throwing that out there....some young girls do that without thinking about their causes pain all round...

whatever be careful and value your true friends...any selfish people who think they are friends you really dont need....

Goodluck I would be interested to hear back from you....

The Krissieblah