Tuesday, 20 March 2007


Well girls...you may have seen the odd spelling or grammer mistake and be thinking that Im getting a bit slack from time to time (ahem)...well you would be wrong! The errors are all in aid of a new literacy competition!!Yes indeed! (Thats my story and Im sticking to it!)
How many mistakes in spelling and grammer can I find?
Thats the question...
The first person to find 10 mistakes and quote them directly via email to
kristinteach@bigpond.com will win a prize...
Prize is?? Well its chocolate of course....lots of it at that...more than enough!
Get checking editors :)

more advice on that friend situation

Hi Krissieblah,
thank you for the advice..yes i have only known this guy for a few days but i, for some reason unknown, really like him...Gianni may have been led on by me but it wasnt intended im a very affectionate person.... i mean i love him to bits as a friend but i dont intend for it to get serious any time soon and for us to stay friends is a big deal to me but he is.. well seems to be a very stubborn person and i have never seen this side of him before.....for a reason i dont know he may dislike the "newby" but that has nothing to do with me and he should be angry at him not me...it really got to me on friday but bringing it out in discussion helped me realise how important this is to me......I havnt spoken to Gianni since the fight but do u think I should make the first move and ring him or should i wait for him to come around and apologise to me?? Anyways thanks again..
very distressed
(fem 16)

Friday, 16 March 2007

My Boyfriend doesnt like my Boyfriend !

Heres a letter from Fem 16:
"ok heres the deal.... my friend Gianni wont talk to me now because im going out with Don... i have known Don for like a week and i really like him but Gianni thinks its wrong... he only thinks that because he was about to ask me out the day Don did and he has known me for longer and thinks that it is unfair that Don got to me first and that i said yes.... what should i do wb asap need advice quickly!!!!"

Please remember names and actual events are edited to protect the privacy of contributors and those discussed.

Please send comments to Fem 16 here directly.

Please send any new problems to my email: kristinteach@bigpond.com. I will respond personally as well as edit and put on the blogger.

Thursday, 15 March 2007

well...lovely people....we are happy little vegemites and noone has a problem they want to share so Im outa business this week...which is OK...Ive had a few problems of my own and I felt the need to crack "the big one"yesterday....for which you will all be so happy that I did not do...although I guess it could be quite funny to watch.

We looked @ aggression and reactive behaviours to aggression in class. Its so nice when I can use myself as an example ;)

Anyhow....I have my girls today and they are blogging away happily....some have even signed up...here we go its the TAFE Agony Aunt for all your very anonymous problems so please contact me. For those who are joined up please feel free to give any constructive assistance you may have for that person....



Thursday, 8 March 2007

Starting Out

hey viewers....Im here far out what a drama....see Im the Teacher...sounds sacrier than it actually is but the bottom line????

I gotta worry about everyone else before I worry about myself....and Im not really worried about mine anyhow in many ways cause I blog away happily on Myspace and even a little hap hazardly on my messenger account....am I over it...well not really....each blog has a purpose...well thats what i liek to tell myself anyhow...seriously ...this blog...this blog is one for the girls.............

So hey girls.....Im gonna start a Agony Aunt Blog...hey totally anonymous and well all the experience in the world wont make me God so I wont always have an answer but if you send me a problem Ill give you a repsonse and others can give you their take on it also....no repsonsibility taken for any one elses opinion of course...I have a hard enough time owning my own stuff let alone other peoples ;)

Sooooooo..............heres the deal.......

A.A Krissieblah
write any issues to me @


I promise you will get a response.

Make sure you leave a name for me to use on this forum.
Dont use your own name.
Dont use other peoples real names either cause I cant afford a law suit of the cheapest kind ;)

No judgement.....

Go well.....