Thursday, 18 October 2007


Hi and welcome back to those returning as star mentors...:)

Girls we had a sensational program last semester and this semester has been interesting looking into entrepreneurial skills and setting up a business based around something you when is this girls night out then??? Im keen...

So Aaron is on his way up in a few weeks and if I get progressively weirder you know its the stress...but the dinner will be fun and Im so proud of Emily for volunteering to talk and im hoping one of you budding performers will also take up the should be a fun night because hey...after all we get to dress up and thats just the best lets face it ;)

Tash is a stressin! over her dress...if I was more saavy i would have one of those computer dolls and a heaps of dresses and we could help her pick a dress...oh the excitement!!

So a girls night in...whats the ideas...whats the date??


Tuesday, 26 June 2007


Oh girls,

I am so sad to be saying good bye but sa happy about what we ahve achieved as a group and as individuals within the group. You guys have all acheived things...some little some big...and Ive noticed lots of positive change and a lot of happiness in the group. Sure theres been some dissent too and I got a text message today which made it clear what many of you thought about someone in the group....and you know thats cool too because you trust me enough to tell me whats on your mind and well in this case it was out of my hands for now but I took it on board what you said and you know are all right...but thats life...

Anyhow...your bLOGS are awesome....fantastic...I hope you stay on here...sooner or later there will be another group on here to talk to and maybe they will engage with you all in some way as well....only time will tell...for now I have a new neture...its called and I think you girls should check it out and have some fun on there....Im looking into ways we can use it as a learning tool....dont you worry about that....always looking for the next big thing and trying to find a way to structure some class work out of it...cause its fun!!! holidays are upon us and who knows what is around the corner for any one of us and all of us. On Friday Ill anounce the new mentors...the school had to give me some help becuase the choice was too hard for me anyhow thats all been sorted now and you will find out soon.

Goodbye dear Tash and Billy....I will miss you and sure the girls will too and now Im gonna have a little tear or two cause life is too short and its the people that you meet and love that make it so worthwhile...

love ya guys,


Tuesday, 29 May 2007

Unhappy Friend

hey hey krissieblah,

I have a friend and they lost someone close to them, like they left, and she has come to see her many times since since she left but she is afraid that the visits will stop and they will never see them again. She crys all the time and she walks around with a smile but I know its fake. I know she dosent sleep much or eat coz she is 2 stressed out!!!
She has had depression and still has it, but not as serious. She is failing at school because of it!!!!

She acts happy around everyone but when shes alone she completly changes and its scaring me. She talks to me when shes alone and its like shes not there anymore. She is constantly saying that its not worth it anymore coz shes gone and it hurts to see her like that.

I hope you can help

luv carer

You know, I am concerned for you in this situation. You feel like you have quite a bit of repsonsibility to your friend and the truth is, in this situation you do. HOWEVER, that doesnt mean you need to shoulder this all alone. You need some support yourself to help your friend. This is a good first step telling someone about it. Well done ;)

If you suspect your friend is suicidal ask her about it. You can ask her things like: "have you ever thought about suicide?"..."Would you consider it as an option if things got really tough?" just talk to her as the friend you are. Once you know she could be suicidal let her know as her friend that you have to go and find some help. You should not have to shoulder this on your own. If something went wrong you would feel awful even though it wouldnt be your fault. As a true friend it is your duty to get help and not to keep this a secret no matter how upset your friend may be, they are not thinking rationally. Most people who are suicidal do not really want to die, they are in crisis and cant see their way out, but this can change with help.

There are many services you can go to for help... I would suggest Lifeline 13 11 14 or Kids Helpline 1800 55 1800. You can also check this out on the net. You should call one of these numbers yourself if you think your friend is suicidal and get some specific strategies about how to deal with the situation. Also, give these numbers to your friend and she may also take the opportunity to talk to someone anonymously without pressure.

You obviously care about your friend, dont forget to look after yourself too...




Dear Krissieblah,

You know the thing I hate is when your so called friends say mean things to you and they know your insecure about it. If they were really your friend they wouldnt say mean things about you and to you.

from Ra Ra

Thursday, 10 May 2007


Hi lovely ladies!!!!

Im so glad to hear from you and I know as we approach the end of the semester youre little comments will be a reminder of that time....:)

So Ive come to know you all quite well and your quirks and loves and hates. Im gonna miss you guys when you go off to complete your year ten and then on into the world to be come happy successful women. Thats what I sincerly wish for you all, and may you find the right people to support you along the way....;)

OK guys, well.....we have a new challenge over the next few weeks...a mock court. You will get to particpate in role play as the various people in a court case with a jury (district).....we will be getting coaching from Jenny Greaney of the law faculty at the UNE and Liza Kent from Streetbeat. As you all know we will be focussing on women's issues specifically and many of you ahve suggested rape so far, but Im keen to hear from you all about possible incidents we could use for this scenario....

Whatever, we will all learn something and have a load of fun at the same time...

Can I just say....what an awesome group....and as for the Blog fighting, well Im glad to know you can engage with each other so fully even if sometimes its not so positive ;(

Cheers girls,

The KrissieblahXX

Thursday, 26 April 2007


NEW COMPETITION.....cuase I know you love it...and we give the mad prizes.....

Give me ten interesting ways we can slow global warming....Im thinking ways to save electricity...ways to save consumption of could be as simple as giving up smoking WHICH NONE of you sweet ladies need to worry about :)

So go shoot and put them directly on here as comments...heres something to get you inspired....

11. Wear Vintage Clothes
15. Move to a high rise building
16. Pay your bills on time
21. Coze up to your water heater
22. Skip the steak - go vegetarian
26. Plant a bamboo fence
27. Fly by plane in a straight line
29. Don't wear a tie and suit
31. Wear green eye shadow
34. Use a rake instead of a leaf blower
45. When driving, turn right instead of left



Thursday, 19 April 2007


Dear Bloggers,

well everything must be swell your way cause you are all so quiet and nobody has written to me for ages and Im so lonely at home....just reading the rubbish that my friends keep sending me...well some of it is pretty neat actually....

So this new competition is a bit of history buff special....dont expect it to pop up again....dont forget its probably American in thats your last clue....dont let anyone ever say you are clueless ;)

How was the holidays??? Please give me the goss....

Did anyone go to Youth Week besides Haley and myself???

How about Kyras Poster?? What a winner....I need a photo of it up here so Ill get onto that right now.....

We Have a Winner(s)!!!

well done to:

Belinda (, highlighters
Emily ( chocolate egg and our quiet achiever
Kyra ( bilby chocolate

because you are all stars and you all comprehensively addressed the requirements and so speedily made me look like a fool....isnt it great!! its time for a new competition....I have a doozie...all it will take is a brain surgeon to explain how I can add an email onto this site....I am sure my deductive skills will allow me some sort of attempt however lacking...:)

Anyhow....prizes are up for the grabs again...oh isnt TAFE so much fun!!!

Well done girls....


Tuesday, 20 March 2007


Well may have seen the odd spelling or grammer mistake and be thinking that Im getting a bit slack from time to time (ahem)...well you would be wrong! The errors are all in aid of a new literacy competition!!Yes indeed! (Thats my story and Im sticking to it!)
How many mistakes in spelling and grammer can I find?
Thats the question...
The first person to find 10 mistakes and quote them directly via email to will win a prize...
Prize is?? Well its chocolate of course....lots of it at that...more than enough!
Get checking editors :)

more advice on that friend situation

Hi Krissieblah,
thank you for the advice..yes i have only known this guy for a few days but i, for some reason unknown, really like him...Gianni may have been led on by me but it wasnt intended im a very affectionate person.... i mean i love him to bits as a friend but i dont intend for it to get serious any time soon and for us to stay friends is a big deal to me but he is.. well seems to be a very stubborn person and i have never seen this side of him before.....for a reason i dont know he may dislike the "newby" but that has nothing to do with me and he should be angry at him not really got to me on friday but bringing it out in discussion helped me realise how important this is to me......I havnt spoken to Gianni since the fight but do u think I should make the first move and ring him or should i wait for him to come around and apologise to me?? Anyways thanks again..
very distressed
(fem 16)

Friday, 16 March 2007

My Boyfriend doesnt like my Boyfriend !

Heres a letter from Fem 16:
"ok heres the deal.... my friend Gianni wont talk to me now because im going out with Don... i have known Don for like a week and i really like him but Gianni thinks its wrong... he only thinks that because he was about to ask me out the day Don did and he has known me for longer and thinks that it is unfair that Don got to me first and that i said yes.... what should i do wb asap need advice quickly!!!!"

Please remember names and actual events are edited to protect the privacy of contributors and those discussed.

Please send comments to Fem 16 here directly.

Please send any new problems to my email: I will respond personally as well as edit and put on the blogger.

Thursday, 15 March 2007

well...lovely people....we are happy little vegemites and noone has a problem they want to share so Im outa business this week...which is OK...Ive had a few problems of my own and I felt the need to crack "the big one"yesterday....for which you will all be so happy that I did not do...although I guess it could be quite funny to watch.

We looked @ aggression and reactive behaviours to aggression in class. Its so nice when I can use myself as an example ;)

Anyhow....I have my girls today and they are blogging away happily....some have even signed we go its the TAFE Agony Aunt for all your very anonymous problems so please contact me. For those who are joined up please feel free to give any constructive assistance you may have for that person....



Thursday, 8 March 2007

Starting Out

hey viewers....Im here far out what a drama....see Im the Teacher...sounds sacrier than it actually is but the bottom line????

I gotta worry about everyone else before I worry about myself....and Im not really worried about mine anyhow in many ways cause I blog away happily on Myspace and even a little hap hazardly on my messenger I over it...well not really....each blog has a purpose...well thats what i liek to tell myself anyhow...seriously ...this blog...this blog is one for the girls.............

So hey girls.....Im gonna start a Agony Aunt Blog...hey totally anonymous and well all the experience in the world wont make me God so I wont always have an answer but if you send me a problem Ill give you a repsonse and others can give you their take on it repsonsibility taken for any one elses opinion of course...I have a hard enough time owning my own stuff let alone other peoples ;)

Sooooooo..............heres the deal.......

A.A Krissieblah
write any issues to me @

I promise you will get a response.

Make sure you leave a name for me to use on this forum.
Dont use your own name.
Dont use other peoples real names either cause I cant afford a law suit of the cheapest kind ;)

No judgement.....

Go well.....