Tuesday 29 May 2007

Unhappy Friend

hey hey krissieblah,

I have a friend and they lost someone close to them, like they left, and she has come to see her many times since since she left but she is afraid that the visits will stop and they will never see them again. She crys all the time and she walks around with a smile but I know its fake. I know she dosent sleep much or eat coz she is 2 stressed out!!!
She has had depression and still has it, but not as serious. She is failing at school because of it!!!!

She acts happy around everyone but when shes alone she completly changes and its scaring me. She talks to me when shes alone and its like shes not there anymore. She is constantly saying that its not worth it anymore coz shes gone and it hurts to see her like that.

I hope you can help

luv carer

You know, I am concerned for you in this situation. You feel like you have quite a bit of repsonsibility to your friend and the truth is, in this situation you do. HOWEVER, that doesnt mean you need to shoulder this all alone. You need some support yourself to help your friend. This is a good first step telling someone about it. Well done ;)

If you suspect your friend is suicidal ask her about it. You can ask her things like: "have you ever thought about suicide?"..."Would you consider it as an option if things got really tough?" just talk to her as the friend you are. Once you know she could be suicidal let her know as her friend that you have to go and find some help. You should not have to shoulder this on your own. If something went wrong you would feel awful even though it wouldnt be your fault. As a true friend it is your duty to get help and not to keep this a secret no matter how upset your friend may be, they are not thinking rationally. Most people who are suicidal do not really want to die, they are in crisis and cant see their way out, but this can change with help.

There are many services you can go to for help... I would suggest Lifeline 13 11 14 or Kids Helpline 1800 55 1800. You can also check this out on the net. You should call one of these numbers yourself if you think your friend is suicidal and get some specific strategies about how to deal with the situation. Also, give these numbers to your friend and she may also take the opportunity to talk to someone anonymously without pressure.

You obviously care about your friend, dont forget to look after yourself too...



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